Public event at the ODYCCEUS case studies workshop in Amsterdam.
Time: 16.05.2019 14:00 - 16:30
Location: Spui 25
Growing numbers of people form and express their opinions on social media platforms. How should we study these debates? How can we detect meaningful patterns in massive amounts of data? This afternoon features two speakers who address these questions head-on, in the light of the 2016 Brexit referendum.
Marco T. Bastos is Senior Lecturer in Media and Communication at City, University of London. His research sits at the intersection of communication and computational social science and addresses the cross-effects between online and offline social networks. His work has appeared in leading journals in communication and social sciences, including Journal of Communication and New Media & Society, and has been covered by major media outlets such as the BBC, New York Times, Guardian, and Washington Post. Topics of Marco Bastos' publications include the diffusion of opinions and political user behavior on Twitter.
Rens Vliegenthart is Professor of Communication Science at the University of Amsterdam. His research into the relations between politics and media is at the intersection of communication science, political science, and sociology. Topics of Rens Vliegenthart's publications include framing and the role of news media in anti-immigration attitudes.
Justus Uitermark (moderator) is Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Amsterdam. A relational sociologist with a background in human geography, Uitermark has a long-standing interest in the roles of cities as terrains of political struggle and more recently has been studying how social media platforms facilitate challenges against the status quo or breed conformity.